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About Me

About Rina Begu

Rina Begu is a trusted skin care expert and esthetician with six years of experience. She has graduated on 2013, in Phoenix, Arizona, where she lives.

Driven by her great passion for skincare, Rina continues to upgrade by opening recently her own brand: Rina Begu skin care. Dedicated for a pure, breathing and fresh skin, Rina aims to promote a unique experience. Her clients identify Rina as the “magic hand”, rejuvenating the skin with different yet essential treatments.

Not only she understands the needs of each type of skin, but Rina has a clean and sharp gusto for beauty products.

From eyebrow to eyelash tint, she can emphasize your beauty in only few minutes, your face will irradiate for any small or big occasion.

Make your appointment today and enjoy!